
Gpg mail gmail
Gpg mail gmail

Add the following line to the defaults section of msmtprc or your local configuration file:Īnd create an aliases file in /etc /etc/aliases # Example aliases file msmtprc file will need to be in the home of every user who wants to send mail or alternatively the system wide /etc/msmtprc can be used.

gpg mail gmail

You will also need to provide a sendmail-compatible MTA, either by installing msmtp-mta (which symlinks sendmail to msmtp) or by editing /etc/mail.rc to set the sendmail path:Ī.

Gpg mail gmail install#

To send mails using the mail command you must install the package s-nail, which also provides the mailx command. ~/.msmtprc passwordeval "gpg -quiet -for-your-eyes-only -no-tty -decrypt ~/.msmtp-gmail.gpg" After running that snippet of code, type in your password, press enter, and press Control-d so gpg can encrypt your password. The ending dash is not a typo, rather it causes gpg to use stdin. To avoid this, use gpg with shell stdin: gpg -encrypt -o. Warning: Most shells save command history(e.g.bash_history.

gpg mail gmail

The following is an example of a msmtp configuration (the file is based on the per-user example file located at /usr/share/doc/msmtp/msmtprc-user.example the system configuration file belongs at /etc/msmtprc and its corresponding example file is located at /usr/share/doc/msmtp/msmtprc-system.example). Since msmtp version 1.8.6 you can place your user configuration either at ~/.msmtprc or $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/msmtp/config. Additionally, install msmtp-mta, which creates a sendmail alias to msmtp.

Gpg mail gmail